Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Emptiness

....It’s the emptiness that somehow feels so heavy. That’s what kills you...

 A good wednesday, what can you expect?

Up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness

You know that feeling? When you're just waiting. Waiting to get home, into your room, close the door, fall into bed, and just let everything out that you kept in all day. That feeling of both relief and desperation.

Nothing is wrong...but nothing is right either.

And I'm tired. Tired of everything. Tired of nothing. I just want someone to be there and tell me it's okay. hope someone bring me leave this place, but no one's going to be there. And I know I have to be strong for my self, because no one can fix me.

But I'm tired. Tired of waiting. Tired of having to be the one to fix myself and everyone else. Tired of being strong. and for once, I just want it to be easy. to be simple. to be helped. to be saved.

But I know I won't be, but I'm still hoping. And I'm still wishing.

And I'm still staying strong and fighting.  If this is a fairytale, I wish it will end happily

# Bang Nugros

1 comment:

  1. It does sound like you are suffering from depression. You should go see your doc for a prescription. Also, you should definitely strongly consider going to a counselor or psychologist.

    I believe the 'storm' would have passed hehehhe
